Having 3 of 4 children eating lunch at school every day we save money by packing their lunches. That doesn't mean that they have to get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in a brown paper bag. I try to make it fun and send them little surprises at least once a week. I have just recently started taking pictures of their surprises so I don't have too many yet to post. They love these. My youngest daughter in first grade slowly opens her lunch box every day because she does not like to be the center of attention every so she doesn't always share her surprises with friends at the lunch table. She is however always the first one off the bus to say I found my pumpkin poop today smiling from ear to ear. My son on the the other hand will scream in the lunch room, I got boogers for lunch today! Sometimes their surprises are just little notes from me. My oldest daughter in fifth grade, her last year in elementary school, will probably not want surprises in middle school. She does love them and writes notes for me to find when I'm cleaning out her lunch box for the next day. I find a lot of holiday ideas on pinterest.

First day of school
Pumpkin poop with cheese balls, pumpkin faces on fruit cups
Marshmallow ghost poop
$1 store gummies
Putting all of these pictures on one page I am realizing that there are a lot of gross ones. They are only kids once and will only find these funny for so long.
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