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Thursday, October 25, 2012

A rewards program the Whole family enjoys!


                                        Watch TV.
                                      Get Rewards.

     While the hubby loves that I coupon and do as much as possible to save money there are very few things that he enjoys doing to save money. I get a couponers high going into the checkout or cashing out my points on swagbucks to recount the amount of dollars in gift cards I have. The hubby not so much. But I have found something the entire family likes to do! Well the two oldest kids anyway. So there are four family members who are now getting Viggle points. You do have to have a smart phone. If you have direct tv you will get all kinds of bonus points and I'm very jealous! We have att uverse and don't get the same perks. All you do is click on the app and check in when your tv is on. A few friends have messaged me asking what if another rewards program they can get involved in and I have been telling them that I've been testing out one that takes 10 seconds at a time, well this is it. I am home all day so when I think about it I check in. Normally to Wizards of Waverly place or Mickey Mouse club during the day.

   How I got the hubby involved! If your hubby is going to watch all of the world series games and football games you might as well put that 3 or 4 hours in front of the tv to good use! You can check into games and play along with a player. Guessing who will have the ball next or make the next play, my hubby really does know better than I do. Well if you win you get 1000 points so if he is home watching these games he is now in charge of getting everyones electronics checked in and playing along with a player. It is kind of funny to watch him try to keep track of his phone, my phone, my daughter ipod, and the ipad which my son has claimed as his for viggle.

   We even had the two oldest kids watching the presidental debates. They ask questions during prime time tv in the evenings that are about that show. The kids were actually interested in the debate because of viggle and now know a few fun facts about both candidates they wouldv'e never know before. 

   While I would love to save up 4,000,000 points to get a cruise I don't think that's very practical so we are cashing in for $5 CVS gift cards. Some of you know that I am a couponer and love cvs. I use all of my extra bucks from week to week so I spend very little out of pocket. Now with these gift cards from Viggle I will use none!! In the first week we were able to get enough points for four $5 gift cards. This was over 10,000 points to all 4 accounts. Now I know this will not happen every week. There is a bit of competition as to who can get the most points. The hubby gets up a few minutes early in the morning before work to now turn the tv on and check into NFL am, it's a tv show on in the mornings that is 4 hours long! So his first 4 hours at work he is getting points. Your phone does not have to stay on nor does your tv have to stay on this channel, just don't check into anything else until you get the full points from what you are watching. I did set up the notifications on the app so that it texts me when I'm awarded points so then I'll turn on the tv real quick and normally hit guide and look for the longest show that is on and check in real quick and then the tv goes back off! Super easy!!


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